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Contacts for the OSCAR Sector

If you have an inquiry about a particular OSCAR programme, please contact the programme directly.

To locate OSCAR programmes in your area, refer to the Family Services Directory Many services are listed there and you can narrow your search down by region. Your local school may also have some information on OSCAR programmes.

If you have a complaint or concern about an OSCAR programme it is usually advisable to raise the matter directly with the programme first. Ask for a copy of their complaints procedure which should explain who to speak to and the process to be followed.

If you wish to take your complaint or concern further and the programme has Social Services Accreditation (sometimes still referred to as “OSCAR Approval”), you can contact Te Kāhui Kāhu about a breach of the Social Sector Accreditation Standards.

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OSCAR services are not affiliated under a single governing body

Some large organisations do run groups of OSCAR services, sometimes spread over several regions, but most programmes are operated by small entities such as sole traders, trusts or other not-for-profit bodies.

Other OSCAR contacts

For general information and advice about OSCAR programmes contact the Out of School Care Network

For information on the OSCAR Fee Subsidy

  • parents can contact 0800 559 009

  • OSCAR providers can contact 0800 776 843